A Reminder on How to Clean Your EnduroShield
The ultra-long-lasting invisible coating of EnduroShield protects glass, ceramics and stainless steel, while cutting out the need for harsh cleaning products and back-breaking scrubbing. But, sadly, even the wonder product that is EnduroShield cannot eliminate the need for house cleaning altogether.
Those lucky enough to have EnduroShield on surfaces in their homes, especially if it was only recently applied, might be wondering about the best – by which we mean the quickest and easiest – way of cleaning over the protective coating for glass (or ceramic or metal), so below is a reminder of what to do.
Cleaning EnduroShield
OK, the idea here is to have EnduroShield do the majority of the work, while ensuring that you don’t use any cleaning items that could affect your EnduroShield warranty (or put in any more elbow grease than necessary). We’ll use the example of a shower screen which has had an application of the revolutionary protective coating for glass.
<h2>What to Wash Your EnduroShield With
When cleaning EnduroShield, we recommend washing with either a mild detergent or good old vinegar and water. The amount of vinegar required will depend on the “softness” of your tap water. Generally, a ratio of 25% vinegar to 75% water should be sufficient. However, if the water in your suburb is classified as “hard”, you will require a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% water. If you’re not sure about the water status, check with the local water authority. There are definitely areas of Queensland (and other Australian states) with hard water.
What to Wipe Your EnduroShield With
When cleaning EnduroShield, we recommend spraying on your preferred solution (see previous point) and wiping it all over the shower screen with a white cleaning pad. Wait for a couple of minutes, then rinse and wipe off the excess water with a squeegee. Finally, the edges of the protective coating for glass can be dried with a microfibre cloth or some paper towel. Note: For those who want to be certain they are caring for their EnduroShield in the ideal manner, we can even recommend specific brands of items. Just ask!
How Often Should You Be Doing This Cleaning?
We recommend following the aforementioned procedure once per week. That said, cleaning EnduroShield can also involve giving the shower screen a quick wipe over with your squeegee whenever you think it might really benefit from it, e.g. after heavier than normal shower use. Doing so will only serve to further prolong the lifespan of this tried’n’trusted protective coating for glass, and allow it do its job of preventing the build up of dirt, grime, soap scum and germs.
Got a Question We Haven’t Answered Here?
Or maybe you’ve decided to have award-winning, scientifically proven product EnduroShield applied to surfaces in another part of your home, around your swimming pool or on your boat. Either way, you can contact us by phoning 1300 720 106 or by submitting an online enquiry via the form on this website.